The Samoyed- Facts about the fluffiest white dog

The Samoyed is a spitz-type dog that got his name from the Siberian Samoyedic people.

What most dog lovers do not know is that they often mispronounce this dog’s name which should be pronounced as “SAMmy-ed” but not “Sa-MOY-ed.”

The Samoyed also goes by other names none of which are easy to pronounce and they are;

  • Nemetskaya Laika
  • Bjelker
  • Samoiedskaya Sobaka

However, for those that are not willing to go through the hassle of these tongue twisters, Smiley, Sam and Sammy are some great nicknames that you can use for this dog.

This dog is also one of the most expensive dog breeds. More on that later.

They seem to have a constant smile on their white faces and are full of energy taking the dog world by storm.

But this is not all that this dog is about.

For those that have owned a Samoyed before or planning to get one, this is the perfect dog breed guide for you. ‘

We are going to cover all the essential information about this doggo, from his adorable appearance to his personality traits and the best ways that you can take care of him.

So, let us get right into it. 
A closer look into the Smily Samoyed

About the Samoyed

In recent times, these dogs have taken the internet by storm for the “sammie smiles.”

But they are not only good looking but also have great personalities to complement their friendly-looking faces.

These dogs are great for homes that have time to dedicate to taking care of them and in turn, they will reward you and the whole family with love and outright entertainment.

Here are some unique and creative Indian Dog names that you can give to your Samoyed.

At times, they can be strong-willed but generally remain devoted, gentle, and friendly to the whole family.

Samoyeds become miserable when they are left all by themselves but are happiest as part of the family.

These canines will let you know when he happy or unhappy about something by barking, bellowing, and even howling.

If he gets bored, he may also resort to being destructive. He may end up jumping over fences, chewing, and even digging.

Something else to keep in mind is that these dogs are sensitive to heat.

They should be kept in areas that are cooler and when temperatures rise, you should use an air conditioner to make it cooler.

Learn about the Smiley Sammy

History and origin of Smiley Sammie

Named after the people that bred them, Samoyeds are one of the oldest dog breeds.

These Spitz-type dogs have genetic makeups that are the closest to those of wolves and are classified as basal breeds.

Basal dog breeds are breeds that pre-date the origin of most human canine friends.

These furry friends were highly depended on by the Samoyede people who used them for pulling sleds, snuggling to get warmth, hunting, and herding reindeer in Siberia Russia.

Living in Siberia means that Smileys had to adapt to the extreme cold weather and they thus developed a coat that would help insulate them.

The white coat also helped the dog camouflage in the snow during hunting expeditions.

They are descendants of the Nenets Herding Laika which is an ancient Russian hunting dog.

Samoyeds became great companions for their humans through their existence which was coupled with an incredible work ethic and friendly nature.

In the 18th century, Arctic explorers were the 1st to take this dog from Siberia to England and he slowly became a favorite among the elites because of his well-rounded personality and regal coat.

These dogs first appeared in the US in 1906.

Pedigree and breed recognition

A Samoyed by the name Moustan of Argenteau was the 1st to be recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1906.

In 1923, the Samoyed Club of America was founded to promote consistent and responsible breeding.


Breed Facts

  • Samoyed is one of the oldest dog breeds.
  • These dogs have a white coat which is one of their most outstanding features which has been bleached over time by the Arctic snow and sun.
  • Dog lovers often call this dog “Sammy Smile.”
  • These canines have been human companions for generations.
  • The former queen Alexandra was a great over of this pooch.
  • The Samoyed accompanied Roald Amundsen in his voyage to the South Pole in 1911.

Pros and cons of Smiley Sammie


✓ These dogs have a placid and gentle temperament.

✔ They are great even for families that have small children.


✘ Samoyeds shed a lot.

✗ These canines can become destructive when boredom strikes or when they are left alone.

✘ You need to give this dog a lot of time and attention.

Appearance and general characteristics of the Samoyed

Samoyed Dog summary table
Height Female: 19–21 inches, Male: 21–24 inches
Weight Female: 35–45 pounds, Male: 45–66 pounds
Lifespan 12 to 14 years
Breed Type Working dog
Purpose Hunting and companion dogs
Suitable For Experienced dog owners
Grooming requirements High
Color Variations Pure White, Biscuit, White and biscuit
Health concerns Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Glaucoma, Hip Dysplasia, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes Mellitus, Samoyed Hereditary Glomerulopathy and Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis
Temperament Stubborn, Lively, Friendly, Sociable, Alert, Playful, Gentle, Adaptable
Other Names Smiley, Sam, Sammy, Nemetskaya Laika, Bjelker, Samoiedskaya Sobaka

Weight and height of the Samoyed

The Samoiedskaya Sobaka is a medium to large-sized dog breed.

Male Samoyeds have a height of between 21 and 24 inches and weigh between 45 and 66 pounds.

On the other hand, their female counterparts have a height of between 19 and 21 inches and weight between 35 and 45 pounds.

The physical appearance of the Smiley Sammy

This is a Spitz-type dog with a fox-like face and one that often attracts dog lovers as they always seem like they are smiling.

How can you tell whether your doggo is smiling or panting. Visiting the guide in the link to learn more about it.

He is one of the most adorable dogs on the planet.

The “smile” of a Nemetskaya Laika is actually perpetual and whose function is to keep the upturned corners of the mouths from drooling and also prevent icicles from forming on his beautiful face in cold climates.

However, this is one of the reasons this canine is loved because of the endearing appearance.

Their dark brown and deep-set almond-shaped eyes only seem to accentuate the beautiful looks.

These dogs have perfect muzzles that are proportional to the whole body and have a black nose.

Other features of the Smiley Samoyed are;

  • Triangular and small ears.
  • A medium-length curly tail. The tails fall when they are comfortable and relaxed.
  • They have slightly short snouts.
  • A wedge-shaped, broad head and muscular but compact body.

The Samoyed Puppies

Samoiedskaya Sobaka coat appearance and shedding

The coat of the Samoyed evolved for him to adapt to the cold Siberian climate.

These dogs have protective striking double coats that protect them from the cold. You can easily recognize this dog using this feature alone.

When you combine this with the amazing coat colors you get an incredibly beautiful dog and the colors that he comes with are;

Pure white Cream White and Biscuit

Unfortunately, this dog is a heavy shredded, shedding throughout the year with 2 seasons where he blows out the coat.

And although this pooch shed he is considered to be hypoallergenic and great for people that suffer from allergies.

Unlike most doggies, these dogs do not have a doggy odor. They only smell like a wet jumper when their coats get wet.

If he has any foul smell it may be a sign of skin infection and you should visit the vet immediately.

Sammies are sensitive to high temperatures and they should not be allowed to overheat.


Personality traits and temperament of the Samoyed

These dogs are inquisitive and very friendly. They are known for being well-tempered, gentle, and stable, and one of the many reasons that many families are adopting them.

These pooches are mischievous and humorous meaning that your home will never have a dull moment.

However, they are known as loud barkers and can occasionally howl.

This dog barks excessively when he is bored and sometimes gets destructive and often digs.

You can also expect this dog to bark at people that he has never met before because if his hunting origin. They do not any aggressive tendencies at all.

Once he gets to meet someone, all hostility that he may have goes away and he turns into a super cuddly friend.

Samoyeds should not be left alone for extended periods as he can become depressed, destructive, and even lonely.

Traits Rating
Prey Drive

Is Smiley Sammy a good family dog?

The Samoyed is not a good family dog, he is a fantastic family dog which is a result of his caring and friendly temperament.

These canine friends get along well with children and are very patient with them.

But you must teach your children how to deal with dogs to avoid any incidences from occurring.

He will, however, chase other animals because of his strong hunting instincts.

You should always remember that the personality and temperament of your dog are affected by how you raise, train, and socialize him.


Frequently asked questions

Is Samoyed dangerous?

The Samoyed does not have any aggressive tendencies even to strangers; neither is he a dangerous breed. However, they may bark at new people or when they spot someone, they do not know on their premises.

Can a Samoyed live in India?

A Samoyed can only live the cooler Indian such as near the Himalayas. He is not suitable for life in hot climate areas and as an owner, you should make sure that he is kept cool at all times.

Is the Samoyed great for a first-time dog owner?

Samoyeds are lovers of all people and this includes even children and new dog owners. But as a novice dog owner, you should make sure that you first understand his needs and know how to care for them before thinking of adoption. Make sure that it will not overwhelm you because the Samoyed is a high maintenance dog.

What is the life expectancy of a Smiley Sammie?

Samoyeds have an average lifespan of between 12 to 14 years.

The Samoyed’s Puppies

A Samoiedskaya Sobaka dam can have a litter with an average of between 4 and 6 puppies.

These puppies take around 18 months to reach their full height and height but they may be exceptions of some of them taking longer or lesser time to fully mature.

The growth chart below will help you better understand their growth progression;

Age Male Weight (pounds) Female Weight (pounds)
3 months 16 14
6 months 30 27
12 months 42 37
18 months 55 42

Note: The above growth chart is just an estimate.

Samoyed puppies are very playful and they may sometime push their mischief to know and understand the rules.

Before you bring one of these puppies home there are several things that you need to decide on;

  • Is the pup going to be allowed on the sofa?
  • Will he be allowed to get with you in bed?
  • Where is the puppy going to sleep?

Establishing some rules will help set out boundaries and help build a healthy relationship between you and the puppy.


Why are Samoyed puppies expensive?

On average a Smiley Sammy puppy will cost you between $1500 and $3000. However, for superior lines and pedigrees, the price could go as high as $10,000 for a single puppy.

One of the reasons for the high price in that Samoyed mothers does not go into heat like other dogs. Instead of going into heat every 6 months, they go into heat every 8 months.

Samoyed colors such as the biscuit color tend to be more expensive than the typical white colors.

Even after purchasing this dog, the expenses will still be significant. These costs are mainly for visits to the vet, food, toys, and even treats.

What about adoption? You may ask.

There is the option of adoption which is cheaper and generally costs around $150.

But you should remember that even this has its drawbacks.

In case, the dog comes with any behavioral issues it may take more time to fix but this does not mean that it cannot be done. You may just be required to spend more time to reserve any behavioral issues that he/she may be having.

Grooming a Samoyed

When it comes to maintaining the coat of a Sammy Smiley, it is no easy task.

We had previously mentioned that the Samoyed has a double coat that you should expect to shed heavily which means that you should expect to spend more time be more patient it comes to grooming this dog.

They will need to be brushed 4 times a week and daily during the seasons that he sheds excessively. This is during Fall and Spring.

Baths will only be needed occasionally when it is completely necessary.

The nails should be kept short, ears cleaned and checked for any infection signs. You should also not forget dental hygiene which is very important for this dog.

Meet the Siberian Nenet dog

Exercise requirements

This dog has herding and hunting roots which means he is a very high-energy pooch.

He loves adventure and spending time outdoors hiking or going for walks with his family.

At least 60 minutes of activities would be a reasonable amount of exercise for a Smiley Sammie. This can be split between play sessions and even walks to allow the dog to burn up some of his energy.

When he is still young, you should not walk him much and only about 2 five minutes walk will be enough which can be coupled with short play sessions. After he reaches about 6 months of age slowly increase the exercise time to 30 minutes and progress from there.

Samoyed Nutritional and Dietary requirements

Samoyed loves to eat.

There may be a lot of conflicting information out there on how to feed your Smiley Sammy, but the important thing to note is that this dog should be fed in high quality and well-balanced diet.

Whether it is store-bought dry or wet food or even homemade food, you should 1st visit your vet for nutritional advice.

About 3 cups of dry food should be enough for the Samoyed dog.

Samoyed Daily Food Consumption
Calories 1,400
Cups of Kibble 🍗🍗🍗


This canine can be hard and stubborn to train

These are incredibly intelligent dogs that love to learn new commands and tricks. But this does not mean that they are easy to train.

For you to unlock the dog’s full potential, you should use consistent and positive reinforcement training.

Never use any aversive training methods such as attempting to punish the dog as it is very damaging to your relationship.

Training can also be a great way to keep a Samoyed busy because he becomes disastrous when he starts to get bored with a strong affinity to chew on things.

Samoyed Health concerns

Unfortunately, this dog is prone to some health issues.

The most common health conditions with this breed are;

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Glaucoma
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Diabetes Mellitus
  • Samoyed Hereditary Glomerulopathy
  • Subvalvular Aortic Stenosis

Breed summary

The Samoyed, also commonly known as the Smiley Sammie is an affectionate and friendly dog breed that makes a great match for a dog lover that is interested in a high-energy and playful dog.

They may sometimes be independent and do what they feel like.

This is a high maintenance dog that and any potential owner should know that he is a lot of work to take care of.

What do you think about the Samoyed?

You can leave us your feedback and questions in the comment section below.