The Siberian Husky mix is a majestic dog that really bring out dogdom’s link to wild wolves. If you have added a Pomsky to your family or are planning to do so- congratulations! You have fallen in love with one the most handsome and devoted dogs in all of dogdom. Most fans are first seduced by their haunting eyes, but this dog is more than a good looking blue-eyed funk. In fact their eyes are not always blue. Brown eyes are equally common, as are dogs with one blue and one brown eye. Beseides his dramatic appearance, he is alert and energetic. Of course, no breed is perfect for every household and prospective owners need to be accepting of the dog’s idiosyncrasies. This breed is incredibly gregarious and social. He needs the company of other dogs and his people pretty constantly.
Despite his mall size, the Pomsky is a hardy little fellow who delights in play and affection. Although children must be careful not to play too rough with him they will find that he responds to gentle games and fun. His small size makes him ideal for apartment dwellers and while he may not physically able to rout unwelcome callers his loud yapping bark may very well ward them off. One of the dog’s proudest assets is the handsome coat he inherits from his sled dogs ancestors and breeder have taken great care to encourage this fine coat.
As rough and tumble as the SIberian Husky can be, nothing is cuter than a Husky puppy. His sweet face and round little body inspires oohs and ahhs from all who see him.
This dogs makes a terrible watchdog. While some breeds are one man dogs, the Pomsky loves everyone. Whether your preference is for a black, gray or red dog with white markings- or even a solid white- this breed will put your vacuum cleaner to the test at least once a year when he sheds hair all over the house. Many owners prefer this annual coat blow to the year round shedding of many other smooth-coated breeds. On the downside, the Pomsky can be a digging fool. If gardening is a hobby, be sure to set aside the plants and and shrubs. Having a garden and a dog are not mutually exclusive but you will have to e resourceful if you expect your Siberian to share the backyard. While affectionate with humans and social with other dogs, he maintains predatory instincts and demonstrates them around small animals in and around the house, including cats, birds and rodents. If you keep these furry critters, you ill have to protect them from the dog’s swift and sneaky hunting skills. This dog also adapts well to most suburban settings.
While reasonably small, the Siberian’s need for speed cannot be denied. He has a tremendous desire to run and he must have this outlet but within reasonable, controlled boundaries. The Siberian Husky mix is stubborn and independent so it fall on you to save him from himself. Sledding comes naturally to the breed and is the ideal way to let him burn off energy. During the dryer months in temperate climates, wheeled carts provide the dog an opportunity to pull in harness and continue a fitness regime all year round. Provide the dog a safe, happy outlet and you will be richly rewarded with a beautiful, steadfast friend to all your family. There are challenges such as training that you could face with this mix, especially as a new dog owner.
Many people see a young puppy and he is so cute that they immediately dash off and purchase one just like him. Others come to like a dog they see on someone’s home and ask where they can purchase a similar one. Others more scientific in their approach look up differnt breeds and write to official kennel clubs for advice and information. Or they may find breeder show advertise puppies for sale. Your Pomsky will have some very special characteristics. This is a smaller to medium sized dog. Despite his size, the Pomsky is a hardy little fellow who delights in play and affection. No matter what stage you are with your dog- still thinking about getting one, or he is already part of the family- this essential guide will provide you with the practical information you need to understand and care for your canine companion.
Pomsky: Overview
With kids: Siberian Huskies are good with children, but it is best when the child’s energy level matches the dog’s.
With other animals: This breed is good with other dogs but not with smaller household pets.
Energy level: high
Exercise needs: Adequate exercise is a must to burn off excess energy
Grooming needs: Siberian Huskies shed heavily multiple times year and need to be brushed about 3 times a week.
Training needs: These very intelligent dogs enjoy the challenge of learning new things.
Living environment: Thse are not city dogs; they need a fenced yard in a suburban or rural area.
Lifespan: 12 or more years
Many breeds of dogs didn’t just grow. Dog owners and breeders wanted certain types of dogs for special purposes
The first ever written record of Pomsky was in Marck 2012. This makes them a relatively new designer dog breed. Majority of Pomskies today are first generation breed, however they have been one of the most popular designer breeds. They are most commonly found across America and Europe. They have to be artificially inseminated due to the big size differences of their parent breeds. The cost of this procedure is part of why they are so expensive.
The Pomsky is an eclectic pet
It’s important to consider the temperament of the parent breeds when adopting a Pomsky, as this can affect the dog’s energy levels, intelligence, and nutritional needs. Both the Husky and Pomeranian, which are the parent breeds of the Pomsky, are known for being intelligent but also stubborn at times.
Sleep is important to dogs; they do it for 12 to 14 hours a day. The best plan is for you to have your place while your dog has hers. Pomskies are expensive as they are a very unique breed, they are difficult to breed. Theses breeds are also very high maintainance. The working background will occasionally pop up. There are poms that love to herd ducks or chickens. Using an appropriate sized sled they can still do the job quite well. There are poms who love to do serious work. Our pampered lapdog with the royal attitude will leave his soft couch and warm hearth for the outdoor life. Parents must take great care to teach their young children to be gentle and considerate before acquiring a Pom. All good kings protect their subjects, and the Pomeranian take this responsibility very seriously. The least sign of intrusion, the smallest sound, a hint of invasion from someone outside your home, will bring a burst of furious idignation. When the imagined threat is over, he puffs his chest, struts about, clearly put out that someone would have the nerve to approach his territory. Of course of the intruder turns out to be a visitor, his royal manners appear and he issues lots of kisses and wags to the guests.
Siberian Husky Vs Pomeranian
Pomeranian: The Pomeranian is a toy breed of dog that originated from sled dogs in the North, which migrated across Northern Europe into Central Europe, where they were bred by Germans. The Germans bred the Spitz down in size, likely wanting a smaller dog suitable for city living. The breed was then crossed the English channel, to Engla where they were bred even smaller through selective mating. As a result, the Pomeranian typically does not exceed 10 pounds. They can be stubborn and difficult to train, but are known to be loyal companions and enjoy spending time with their human families. They have a heavy double coat that is attractive and was retained when the dogs became household pets. While they may bark and frighten off unwelcome intruders, they are unlikely to do much physical damage. Some Pomeranians have been used as ratters in the past, but this skill is not in high demand these days. Despite this, the popularity of the Pomeranian breed continues to flourish, with many people drawn to their small size and attractive coats.
Husky: The Chukchi tribe is credited with originating the dog we know as the Siberian Husky. Living in the region of Siberia closest to Alaska, the Chukchi people needed a way to transport food over considerable distances, and the sled became the crucial method of transport. Therefore, the sled dog was born. These dogs were used for transporting goods and trading between tribes and for hauling the tribe’s possessions during relocation to a more hospitable region. The Siberian Husky was bred for endurance rather than speed or strength, specifically to pull light loads at medium speeds. Heavier loads required teams of dogs. They needed to be energy-efficient, have endless endurance, superb scenting ability, thick woolly coats to protect them from the harsh climate, extreme tractability, and willingness to obey. Today, the Siberian Husky is recognized as one of the friendliest dog breeds, especially known for being good with children. This can be attributed to how the Chukchi tribe cared for the dog and adapted it for family life, becoming accustomed to much interaction with humans. Children were encouraged to play with the dog, and today, the Siberian Husky is regarded as an excellent family pet, playful and ready to make new friends. Despite being a clean dog with little doggie smell, the double coat of the Siberian Husky requires constant grooming to prevent matting and shedding. The term “Husky” is used to refer to any snow dog of the Northern type. The name comes from the word “Eskie,” which is a term used by the Eskimo tribes in Siberia who rely on sled dogs for their survival. Sled dogs were crucial for hunting, tracking scents, and transporting food back to the villages. Living in the Arctic coastal region of Northeastern Siberia, the Chukchi people relied on a breed of dog that they developed, which served as the predecessor to the contemporary Siberian Husky. The term “Husky” is actually a distortion of the word “Esky,” which refers to the large, thick-coated brush-tailed sled dogs of Alaska.hey enjoy howling and talking and love being the center of attention.
No matter how fastidious your Husky is, she simply cannot groom her entire coat, especially the parts that she cannot crane her neck to reach.
The Siberian Husky is very different from other breeds, retaining a great deal of her ancestors’ wolfish ways. Unlike retrievers, pointers, shepherds, terries and toy dogs which have had most of the pack orientation bred out of them, the primitive, highly intelligent Siberian Husky retains an extremely strong pack mentality. This mindset must be understood and honored by her owners. While a dog is assuredly not the same thing as a wolf pack, neither is it altogether different. Today, the breed is still referred to as the Arctic Husky in the United Kingdom, although the breed’s official name worldwide is Siberian Husky.
Kennel Club Breed Recognition
Because Pomeranian Husky mix is a fairly new dog breed and not a purebred dog, it is not recognized by the American Kennel Club but they are still extremely popular.
However, there are a few clubs that have some information on this hybrid:
- International Pomsky Association.
- Pomsky Club of America
- Dog Registry of America.
This mix does not have breed standards and, therefore, his looks and personality traits can vary.
Appearance & Personality
Height & Weight
In general, the Pomsky is a small to medium small dog weighing 10 to 50 pounds and stands at 7 to 15 inches
The dogs development becomes complete at 18 months to 2 years of age
The Pomsky in build and appearance is cobby, balanced, and short coupled. The legs are of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame.
These are small, alert dogs with well balanced frame
Physical Appearance
This dog is first and foremost an athlete giving the impression he can run all day
It often seems to the observer that the Pomsky is all coat with his outstanding ruff of hair, the fluffy undercoat, little legs and ears appearing out of nowhere, he does look like a little puffball.
The head is best described as foxy in outline and expression as well as in cunning and intelligence, and is alert in character and deportment. The dog should be compact and well knit in frame. The head is wedge-shaped with a fox-like expression.
Whe he walking, he almost seems to bounde of the ground. A properly bred Pomsky should gait neatly with no evidence of paddling or weaving
The tail turns back, carried flat. The tail curls up onto the dog’s body or around itself. It should be covered with a medium length brush of hair
The body is well ribbed and rounded. Head is well proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped with a fox like expression. Eyes are medium in size, almond-shped and not too wide not close togther. Ears small carried erect and high on the head to allow fresh air and sunlight to enter and keep the interior drier. There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but snipy muzzle. The teeth meet in a scissors bite in wich part of the inner surface of the upper teeth meets and engages part of the outer surface of the lower teeth.
The neck is rather short and topline is level but is actually slightly higher at the withers than the croup
The forelegs are straight and parallel. The hicks are perpendicular to the ground =
The deep chest is critically important, because it houses the dog’s hard woking heart and lungs
The foot is compact to prevent snow and ice colectng between toes and pads. Welll furred and thickly cushioned pads to traverse rough terrain. Splayed feet wil inhibit proper functioning
The thighs are well muscled to produce forward thrust ad long range endurance
They have no breed standards, hence each Pomeranian Husky will have different looks from the rest. Variations can also be seen in litters from the same dam. However, they often inherit the Husky’s facial features with the Pomeranian’s stature. Some Pomskies may inherit the Husky’s long muzzle and head while others may have a smaller muzzle with a pointy nose.
This abundantly coated brush trail could easily protect the Husky’s face from snow and wind when the dog curls up on the ground. This type of tail, therefore is a vital component for a dog destined to work and sleep outdoors in Arctic conditions. While your Siberian Husky will adapt to very cold temperatures, excessive heat may both her. Remember the Arctic climate from whence she comes- she is well suited for snow and ice, not for heat and humidity. Keep that in mind and always give your Husky access to shade and fresh water. Never leave your dog in a parked car in warm weather. DOgs of Norther descent have practically no tolerance for heat and will succumb to heat stroke within a very short time.
The Siberian’s feet are compact with tough, thick pads.
Coat & Shedding
The Pomsky is profusely covered with hair. It has a double coat, short, soft and dense undercoat protected a longer, straight coarse smooth lying guard coat (outercoat). The inner coat traps body heat while the guard coat keeps heat from escaping and waterproofs the animal.
Medium to long in length. A coat length of 1 to 3 inches is considered acceptable as long as the texture is coarse and straight. Outer coat consists of guard hairs which must e harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture to form a frill of profuse, standing off straight hair
Most breeds of dogs have two coats: a soft undercoat and an outer coat. The Pomky coat is his glory, a thick, fluffy undercoat, and s straight harsh outer coat.
The outer coat may be fluffy or smooth and silky. This coat is best adapted for cold climate
This dog sheds very profusely. He sheds at a great rate sometimes during multiple extended shedding seasons
Thefront legs are well feathered and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks
The tail is carried in a plume over his back
The dog clean his coat meticulosusl and does not have doggy odor associated with pet canines
Although this breed sheds massive amounts of hair, the coat is relatively clean and odor free.
The full coat takes times to blosson
It takes about one year before the full adult coat appears and his coat is often not fully developed until the dog is 3 or 4 years old.
During development, his coat will undergo several changes. At 2 months the coat will be ling and fluffy. At 3 months, it statrst shedding and becoming ragged. By 4 or 5 months, the coat is shed and your dog may become a short haired variety. By 10 months the double coat will have developed considerably and on his way to its full beauty
These states are described as long and blowy, to short and nappy, to fuzzy and unmanageable- eventually the undercoat and puter coat cooperate to create an appearance that is worthy of the Pomeranian’s heritage. yet, the adult may not have a mature double coat until it is 3 and a half or 4 years of age.
Pomeranian Husky mixes shed moderately throughout the year. They may have two major shedding seasons just like any other double-coated dog but Pomskies tend to shed more in warm weather.
Shedding naturally occurs in the spring and fall, and for females, after each estrus (heat) cycle. It also can occur in times of illness stress and excitement. Much to their owners’ chagrin, Pomskies blow their coats twice a year, shedding their undercoats completely. This intense shedding period usually lasts for two or three weeks. Expect to be duly impressed by the amazing density and profusion of the coat as they repeadly fill trash cans with armloads of that downy fluff. These dogs often appear to be moting when blowing coat; their hair comes out in tufts, usually beginning on the hind end and continuing forward on the body. if you choose to take your shedding husky to the groomer, after an initial brushing, warm bath with a conditioning rinse will help loose the hair and speed up the shedding process. A wan bath during shedding season, combined with a brush out and the use of a shedding rake, may lessen the intensity of the shedding process.
Temperament & Personality
The Pomsky is an intelligent, alert, and adaptable dog that can be a great companion for people of all ages and interests. They are also affectionate and loving, with a sensitive nature that makes them attuned to their owner’s emotions.
However, the Pomsky can be strong-willed and independent, with a tendency to become bored easily. This can lead to stubborn behavior, particularly during adolescence, and potentially aggressive behavior if not handled correctly. Therefore, it is essential for owners to provide adequate training and structure to prevent such issues.
The Pomsky has a natural inclination to dig, which comes from their instinct to burrow in the ground to keep warm in the cold weather. They are also inquisitive and curious, with a strong desire to explore and investigate their surroundings, which can make them escape artists if not adequately confined.
Despite their independent and sometimes challenging nature, Pomskies are known all over the world for their friendly and playful demeanor, making them great family pets. With their high level of intelligence and energy, they require guidance and training to develop good manners and behavior. However, with proper care and attention, they can make wonderful and lovable companions.
Pomskies really like to dig which stems from its instinct to dig a burrow in the ground to keep warm while resting on the snow-covered tundra.
If you are willing either to leave your landscaping to chance or to provide your dog with an area to dig, then this should not be a problem.
He tends to be strong willed and has been called stubborn and headstrong by some. They have an obstinate streak in them for avoiding boredom. When your Husky is an adolescent (between 9 months and 1 year) her ancient lupine heritage may nudge ger to make a bid for leadership i the home.
During this period, it is important that you be particularly steadfast. They are energetic, friendly and they thrive on human affection and attention. They are fun-loving and will happily follow you around the house.
This dog seeks out sources of that interesting scent, chases and hunts small animals and is determined to discover what lurks on the other side of the fence. A primitive propensity to investigate his surrounding comes ingrained in the Pomsky. To satisfy his discovery instinct, the Pomsky can become a talented escape artist and quite the acrobat. He is capable of crawling through small holes, scaling high fences with ease adn grace, chewing through ropes, and slipping collars with great skill, the owner must construct an escape-proof enclosure and constantly check for loose fencing, a tiny new hole, or the gleam in her dog’s eyes that say, I think I can get out here! when he is in a certain section of the garden.
Not a lap dog, the Pomsky brims with eagerness and inquisitiveness, and he needs guidance in his activities and polish his manners.
Despite his desire to run free, the Pomsky most of all capture the hearts of people everywhere. Perhaps it is his free spirit and energy that dog lovers admire. With his brains, autonomy, gentle spirit, perseverance and zest for life, who could resist the lovable Husky Pomeranian mix?
Although a child benefits from the companionship of a well trained dog provided by her parents, the job for producing such as dog belong t grown ups. His gentleness with children does not preclude the needs for supervision and training when your children and dogs interact. Remember they have a strong prey drive. Although they may not want to kill small pets, their rough play may result in an injury to the animal. Keep cats, rabbit, hamsters, birds and other small pets separated from your dog until he has demostrated complete reliability in their presence
Animal behaviorists are not sure certain traits of behavior are inherited or not but we do know that the best dogs can be ruined by improper training and care. A relatively unpromising dog can certainly become a faithful and loving pet if he is well treated. If improperly treated and trained, cen develop into a yappy little dog with a tendency to snap. Yapping should be curled and ill tempered dogs should not be tolerated. In fact this dog should not be subjected to th onslaught of too many children as they often do not understand how to handle small dogs and someimes pull his luxurious coat or play too roughly. One of his endearing features of this dog is his frisky, perky attitude. He is indeed a bouncy little dog always willing to follow master or mistress in search of fun. Its a mistake to make this a lap dog. When walking, he should be on leash, not held and at home hs should be allowed freedom and exercise
He is also very intelligent and trainable. He is an affectionate and delightful. While he demonstrates strong affection for his family, he is not a one person dog. He greets guests cordially, with interest and proper decorum. He does not fear of suspicion of strangers or other dogs.
They are gregarious an need the company of people and other dogs. Plan to include him in your outdoor adventures, like hiking, jogging, skiing, sledding and outdoor play. Plan to spend time with him, ad if possible, give him an opportunity to enjoy the company of at least one other dog.
He loves the company of children but is strong and powerful enough to need the supervision of an adult when children are present. Plan to monitor all interactions between the Pomsky and young children, who may underestimate his power as a playmate
He is very welcoming to newcomers
Pomskies may be independent but are not loners- in other words they are self reliant yet he is wise enough to know that his survival depends on interaction with his pack. They enjoy being around other dogs and people . They need freedom to run and explore. If you are looking for a one person dog, you had better keep looking. Some owners will even admit their dog lacks passionate loyalty, he has enough loyalty to go around for everybody. He loves to be social. He does not fear strangers, be it the postmant or pizza boy, and he greets guests and other dogs with open and welcome paws. In other words he is no barker- he is friendly and pack-oriented but he is not to be counted on as a guard dog or watchdog, it is simply part of the breed’s good nature.
They are good with dogs as well people be it a romp in the dog park or a trek in the snow.
The Pomeranian Husky mix is a great family dog that will fill the family home with love and laughter as they are playful and super cuddly.
Pomskies get along well with children and other pets, especially if they have been brought up together. However, play between this crossbreed and children should be supervised.
They are very adaptable dogs that can thrive in both warm and cold weather but are better suited for cold climate areas.
Finding a Pomsky
Pomsky puppies are expensive and can cost anywhere between $2000 and $5000 from a reputable breeder. This is because there is a lot of effort and care that goes into successfully breeding dogs with huge size differences.
Before you bring home your Pomsky, you will have to make a few decisions, including whether a puppy or adult, male or female. Resist the temptation to bring two puppies home from the breeder. If you want to own two or more Pomskies, purchase a second pup a year or more after adding the first pup to your home. Take a serious look at your lifestyle, available time and energy and the willingness of all the members of your family to join in the challging process of raising a puppy. It is fair to say that the fist 6 to 9 months of a puppy’s life make the dog. Your ability to actively manage and direct your dog’s puppyhood will set the stage for the next 10 to 15 years.
Animal rescue centers, foster care programs and rescue organizations offer adult dogs for adoption. They quickly settle into a new home as long as their needs are met as they are mature enough to read and react to their surroundings. Most of these dogs are the victims of inadequate training and neglectful treatment but are willing to behave in an appropriate manner if given the proper education and guidance.
Take your time, look at seval kennels and interact with more than one litter. Confirm all agreements, guarantees, prices and historical information such as the health history in writing.
You can locate a breeder by accessing the breeder directory through the Kennel club’s website. Some magazines also contain section in which breeder advertise ther kennels. Visit a kennel, plan to spend time discussing how the dog will fit into your family. Inspetc the dogs, kennel facility, contracts and other documents that will accompany a puppy or dog from this facility. The breeder should have at least one of the puppy’s parents, either the sire or dam on site available for examination.
A reputable breeder will screen you to assure your suitability for owning a Pomsky. DO not misconstrue a breeder’s questions as an insult or an intrusion. On the contrary be wary if a breeder does not closely quiz you about your home, family and expectations of a Pomsky.
Quality breeder will often have a waiting list of potential buyers and rarely resort to advertising their puppies although they may announce a planned litter ot the availability of an older dog on the breed’s club’s internet chat list.
A reputable breeder will outlne the disadvantages and advantages of owning a Pomsky to help you determine if this is the right breed fo you and whether you are prepared to care for it for the life of the dog
The dog should have been tested for any genetic deficiencies that can be detected by the age at which the breeder sells the dog. The puppy for sale should be no younger than 7 weeks. Prederably the breeder will release puppies at 8 to 12 weeks of age. Adult dogs should be up to date in vaccination o they should have been recently titer tested for an adequate level of protection from canine diseases, conferred to the dog’s past vaccinations. They should be free of intestinal and external parasites. Many breeder perform temperament testing on heir puppies that attempt to predict the ultimate temperament of the puppy as an adult do. The breeder should offer a record of vet treatment, testing and vaccination in writing. The dogs should appear healthy and demonstrate proper temperament. Be wary of the beeder who makes no mention of accepting a puppy back if you cannot keep it for any reason.
You can more clearly determine a puppy or a dog’s reaction to his environment, strangers and other outside influences when you interact one on one with him. If you decide to adopt contact a rescue- they may be able to connect you with a wonderful dog.
Avoid puppy mills and backyard breeder. Puppy milss are large scale needing operations that produce puppies without regard to health and socialization. Backyard beeders, on the other hand, may be well meaning, regular owner who simply do not posses enough knowledge about the breed and breeding healthy puppies.
When you visit a breeder, look around the dwelling for; a clean, well maintained facility. No overwhelming odors.
Prospectve buyers interview breedrs in much the same way that a breeder should interview abuyer. Ask in depth questions regarding the genetic health of the parents, grandparents and great grandparents. Ask what sort of genetic testing program the breeder adheres to. See what kind of health guarantees the breeder gives.
You want to avoid a timid puppy or a very dominant one. Let a puppy choose you
Make certain that the pup’s eyes are clear and bright and that there is no discharge from the nose. Be certain his coat is of uniform length and texture. His movement should be effortless and smooth at a medium speed
When you purchase a puppy, you will receive the following documents; written sales agreement, registration form, signed 3-generation pedigree, health history (vaccination, worming, parsites), hereditary disease evaluation results, puppy temperament testing results
Much reference material will mention only the postive characteristics of the Husky Pomerann mix, but your common sense tells you that no breed is perfect. A responsible source will honestly inform you about the breed in general and about a puppy or dog in particular so that you can make informed choices along the way. It is important to choose the dog who matches your lifestyle and requirements.
When you do pick out a puppy, don’t be hasty; the longer you study puppies, the better you will understand them. Make it your transcendent concern to select only one that radiates goo health and spirit and is lively on his feet, whose eyes are bright, whose coat shines and who eagerly comed to cultivate your acquaintance. Do not fall for the shy little darling. Pick the puppy who forthrightly picks you. The feeling os attraction should be mutual.
When you purchase a puppy, you should receive a transfer of ownership, registration material and other papers (a list of the the immunization shots given, if any; a note of whether the pup has been wormed; a diet and feeding schedule to which the pup is accustomed).
Before you ever get that Pomsky hoe, you will have prepare for its arrival by reading everything you can get your hand on having on with the management of Pomskies and puppies. True, you will run into many conflicting opinions, but at least you will not be starting blind. Talk over your plans with your vet, other owner and breeder. When you get the puppy, you will realize that your learning is far from over. You have just scratched the surface in your plan to provide the greatest possible comfort and health and by the same token, you do want to assure yourself of the greatest possible enjoyment of this wonderful creature. You must be ready for this puppy.
For the trip home put him in a sturdy crate or have him carried in the arms or lap of a passenger. Have newspapers handy in case of car sickness. Avoid excitement and unnecessary handling of the puppy on arrival. A Pomsky pup is a very small package and he needs frequent rest and refreshment to renew his vitality.
On arrival put him down on the floor and do not pick him up again, except when it is absolutely necessary. Handle him as little as possible. Quite possibly your puppy will be afraid for w hile in his new surroundings, without his mother and littermates. Be calm, friendly and reassuring. Encourage him to walk around and sniff over his new home. If it is dark put on the lights. Let him roam and you and everybody else go about your business. Let the puppy come back to you. Too much excitement can frighten a puppy and make him slower to bod with his new owners.
The natural affinity between puppies and children call for some supervision until live and let live relationship is established. It is a better plann to welcome the puppy sevral days before or after the holiday week. Like a baby, your puppy needs much rest and should not be overhandled. For the first night with you, he should be put where he is to sleep every night- say in the kitchen or in a room with a floor that can easily be cleaned. Give him an old coat or shirt to lie on. Since a coat or shirt will be strong in human scent, he will pick it out to lie o, thus furthering his feeling os security n the room where he has just been fed.
The puppy should be friendly and outgoing, not skittish in any way. The pup should readily follow you. In general, look for a puppy who is more interested in you than in his littermates
Signs of a healthy puppy include bright eyes, a healthy shiny coat, a good appetite, moist nose and firm stool. He will display a happier more postive attitude. Puppies should be confident and eager to greet you. Although some introverted pups come out of their shell later on, may do not. Shy pups frighten easily and will require a tremendous amount of training and socialization. Choose a pup who is happy and eager to interact wit it you but reject one who is either too shy or too bossy. The perfect puppy personality is somewhere between the two extremes. All puppies should be eager to gobble up their food. The pupp should walk or run freely without limping. The pup[y should not be skinny. The pup should have a pleasant smell
The puppies’ area should be clean, well lit, have fresh drinking water and interesting toys
Everything today comes with its own instruction manual. When you purchase a Siberian Husky puppy, it is no differnt. A reputable breeder should give you a registration application; a sales contract; a health guarantee; your puppy’s complete health records; a thee-, four- or five-generation pedigree; and some general information on Siberian Husky behavior, care, conformation, health and training. Registration application. This document from the AKC or UKC assigns your puppy a number and identifies the dog by listing his date of birth, the names of the parents and shows that he is registered as a purebred Siberian Husky. The best Siberian Husky breeder pride themselves in handing over to a new owner a notebook full of the latest information on Siberan Husky behavior, care, conformation, health and training. Be sure to read it because it will provide valuable help while raising your Siberian Husky
Healthy puppy signs- Here are a few things you should look for when selecting a puppy from a litter
It just takes a bit of effort, patience and a willingness to find the right dog for your family, not just the cutest dog on the block.
Puppies are always in high demand, so if you open your options to include adults, you will have a better chance of adopting quickly. Plus, adult dogs are often housetrained, more clam, chew-proof and do not need to be taken outside i the middle of the night– five times- in the pouring rain.
Local breeder referrals are essential. A breeder who belongs to a Siberian Husky clubs demonstrates active involvement in the breed and breeds according to that particular club’s code of ethics. That is wo you want to do business with: a breeder who abides by a code of ethics.
Considering how expensive the Pomeranian Husky mix is, you should ensure you get your money’s worth. This is a lifetime commitment and you sure don’t want an unhealthy pup. Do not buy a puppy from a breeder that is reluctant to share the pup’s parent breed medical records. The breeder needs to show you the health clearance paperwork upfront. If the breeder fails to provide these, walk away. He or she must also prove that they are qualified breeders. Learn about the breeder’s history and breeding experience. The breeder should be able to answer questions concerning the temperament of the parent breeds. Another great idea is to ask for referrals from your local vet and other Pomsky owners, this is a great way to get in touch with tried and proven breeders.
In case you see any red flags, gladly and proudly walk away as you may not want to be a promoter of bad breeding practices.
Bad breeders red flags:
- Breeders using stock photos from the internet to promote and show their work.
- A breeder that uses fake photos of him/herself online.
- Breeders that do not offer traceable payment methods.
Home at last
Creating the right environment will help your puppy or adult dog make a quick, contented adjustment to his new life. The environment consists of shelter and housing, doggie equipment, pet sitter
Pomskies can remain outdoor in very cold weather but should be sheltered from the elements, especially from drafts and wet weather as well as a method of exercise and containment that prevents him from running loose
Provide the dog with a large, fenced garden. It should be at least 6 feet tall and constructed of chain link if possible. A wooden fence may not detain a detemined dog. Notorious for their delight in digging, a Pomsky who cannot jump over his fence will make a steadfast effort to dig under it. Many owner bury wire in the ground at the fence line to prevent digging out.For another option, secure a field fence with a 2 by 4 inch mesh to the bottom of your gardne fence,then turn it inwards and lay it on the ground inside the fence. Other methods include lining the perimeter of the fence with railroad ties or landscaping timbers sunk partially into the ground. Cinder blocks can fill low spots under a fence because they are too heavy for a digging dog to move out of the way. Check your fenced garden regularly for the appearance of escape hatches or the beginning of dig out spots and repair them immediately
Set up a sandbox in a shaded part of the garden and encourage the dog to dig there rather than on the fence line. Bury a couple of chew toys or outdoor toys in the sandbox to attract his attention
Do no for one second think that a Siberian Husky would prefer to live outside on the frozen tundra of Siberia! He like every other breed, wants to live in the best accommodation with plenty of toys, soft bedding, and other luxuries.
In fact, in order for him to grow into a stable, well-adjusted dog, he has to feel comfortable in his surroundings. \
Whether your dog spends his outdoor time in a fenced garden or a kennel run, he needs access to shelter in the form of a dog house. A smile plywood cube, open on one side, offer the best solution. Leave the front entirely open or half open to create a den-like structure. You can build this type of doghouse inexpensively. Avoid purchasing an expensive doghouse because he will most likely customise it by chewing the doorway into just the right shape. Construct the house with a flat roof to allow him to lie on top ot their house and observe the world. Insulate it by providing straw bedding material. It usually is not necessary to heat the doghouse. Place it in a shaded location in the garden or kennel run.
Provide access to the house freely using a dog door. A dog door that exists into a kennel run with a concrete floor will ensure that a clean and dry dog wil enter your house. Do not place the dog floor where he will enter into the garage unless you have completely cleaned the garage of any safety hazards or materials.
This is a skilled escape artist. You need to know how to keep him from hitting the road
Clean animals by nature, dogs dislike soiling where they sleep and eat. This fact makes a crate a useful tool for housetraining. Place the crate in the corner of a high traffic on such as the family room or kitchen where he can observe the family activities and not feel isolated. Offer the puppy clearly defined areas where he can play, sleep, eat and rest. The designated areas should be lined with ocean bedding and a toy
Unless you live in Antarctica, chances are she will have to tolerate warmer temperatures for at least part of the year. Keep her cool during those dog days with these tips. Provide supervised access to a plastic middle pool filled with water. But several bags of ice and make a big ice pile for her to play in. Set up a sprinkler on your lawn and let her run through. Make a cool spot in your yard where she is allowed to dig. Fill stuffable dog toys with kibble moistened in beef or chicken flavored water and freeze them. Then, give your dog the resulting toysicles.
Basic supplies
To prepare yourself and your family for your puppy’s homecoming, and to be sure your up has what she needs, you should obtain the following:
Car safety restrain- riding in a crate creates the best protection for your dog. A seatbelt type restraint made especially for dogs can also come i handy. Never drive with a loose dog inside the car or in the bed o a pick up truck
Collar: select a leather or woven fabric and adjustable buckle collar sized for your particular pup or dog. You should be able to run one finger comfortably between a puppy’s neck and his collar and two fingers for an adult
Crate is one of the most useful tools for raising and managing a dog. the dog should be able to stand,lie down, stretch and turn comfortably in the crate. Some large crates are equipped with partitions to make it smaller to fit a new puppy. Place the crate in your bedroom, the pup will benefit from the comfort of your presence even while you sleep. Get a crate that is big enough for your dog when he is an adult. Then, use dividers to limit the space when he is a puppy.
Bed and/or crate pad: Something soft and washable and big enough for your soon to be adult dog. A plush doggie bed will make sleeping and resting moe comfortable. A small cozy blanket that he can burrow in will help him feel more comfortable
Food and water bowls- Ceramic bowls are pretty but prone to breakage, while plastic bowls can harbour dangerous bacteria. Tip-proof stainless steel food and water bowls are your best bet because they are unbreakable and easy to clean. We recommend stainless steel and heavy crockery- somthing solid and easy to clean. Bowls should be sturdy enough so that they do not tip over easily. (Most have reinforced bottoms that prevent tipping.)
Indentification- ID tags: Secure identification tags to your dog’s collar inscribed with your name, address, and telephone number. Tattoos: Tattooing is a method of permanent identicication. By recording the ID number with a registry service, dog owners improve the chances that their ost dog, picked up without collar tags, can be identified and returned to them. Microchips: A vet implants the chip with an injector that placed it under the skin over the top of the dog’s shoulders. Owners register the chip’s identification number with a microchip database management service tha provides detailed information about the chipped dogs. Occasionally, a chipe will shift out of place, making it difficult to locate with a scanner.
Indoor playpen- may pet shops, pet sup;y catalogs, and online retailers offer lightweight, portable playpens for puppies, which are also useful for newly acquired older dgs.
Lead- Selct a 6 foot lead appropriate t the size of your puppy or dog. Choose a leather, nylon, or cotton webbing lead, not a metal chain lead, which is hard on the hands. A longer lead of 15 to 20 feet cn be useful for walks in the park. Style is nice, but the durability and your comfort while holding it count, too.
Grooming supplies: The proper brushes, special shampoo, toenail clippers, a toothbrush and doggie toothpaste.
Toy- Offer a soft toy for gentle play and as a reward. Offer natural or man-made bones for chewing, as well as balls or throw toys for exercising in the garden. Provide adult dogs with substantial toys for more vigorous play. Don’t overwhelm your puppy with too many toys, though, especially, the first few days she’s home. And be sure to include something hollow you can stuff with goodies, like a kong. For teething puppies, chew toys provide a gum soothing workout. Some toys lve tearing stuffed and squeaky toys aprt. Never give your puppy a rubber toy small enough for him to swallow. Interactive toys keep your dog busy allowing them to self reward
Cleaning supplies to clean up accidents as they occur. Old rags, towels, newspapers and a stain and odorremover are good to have.
Puppy gates to keep the pup confined to one room or area when you cannot supervise him.
you also have to ensure that your home is safe, which means taking the proper precautions to keep your puppy away from things that are dangerous for him. Curious puppies and inquisitive dogs get into trouble not because they are bad, but simply because they want to investigate the world around them.
Puppy proof
Dangers lurk indoors and outdoors
Place breakable out of reach. Electrial cods and wiring. Put the garbage behind a cabinet door and use a child-safe lock if necessary. Make sure the puppy does not have access to any deadly chemicals including cleaners, pefumes, afteshaves
The outside of you home must also be safe. Do not let a fence give you a false sense of security, you will be surprised how craty an persistent a puppy can be in figuring out how to dig under a fence or squeeze his way through holes. Check the fence periodically to make sure it is good shape and make repairs as needed.
Pest control sprays and poisons should never be used in the house. Keep all medications, supplements and vitamins in a safe cabinet. Dispense you own pils carefully and without you Pomsky present. Socks, coins, children’s toys, games pieces, cat toys- you name it. if it is on the floor, it is worth a try. Make sure the floors in your home are picked up and free of clutter. Keep antifreeze, snail and slug baits, pesticide and fertilizers in high shelves that are out of reach. Some house and garden plants ae also toxic for plants
Family introductions
Everyone will be excited to pet and plat with the pup but it is best to make the introduction low-key as to not overwhelm your puppy. He will already be apprehensive. The last thing you want to do is smother your pup as this will only frighten him further. Gentle petting, soothing words as well as letting him explore on his own will help console the pup. Gradually each person should spend some time with theuppy, one at a time, letting him sniff their hands before petting him gently.Be gentle, affectionate and comforting.
This is not the time to spoil your Pomsky and give in to his whining. Place the puppy in his new bed or cate in his room and close the door, He may fall asleep without a peep. If whining occurs, ignore it, he will fall asleepp eventually. Your pup’s first night can be somewhat terrifying.
Although Pomskies are naturally clean and do not have an unpleasant odor or parasites, their coat needs regular grooming to maintain its health and beauty. Proper maintenance of the Pomsky’s fluffy coat is critical to its overall well-being. The grooming process should be gentle and conducted in brief sessions, with treats given as positive reinforcement for good behavior. The dog must be trained to stand still during grooming, and a special grooming table equipped with a leash can help prevent fidgeting. Grooming serves not only to preserve the dog’s appearance, but also provides an opportunity to engage with and assess the dog’s health, including the detection of any irregularities in the eyes, ears, or skin.
- Brushing: Brushing should be done on a weekly or daily basis to prevent matting, remove dead hair and skin, and distribute natural coat oils to keep the coat shiny. A comb can be used to remove mats or burrs and to fluff out the dog’s fur. A fine-toothed flea comb can also be used to check for the presence of fleas and ticks in the coat and to remove flea dirt. The most crucial tool for grooming is a proper brush, which is essential for maintaining the dog’s coat. After brushing, a leave-in spritz conditioner can be applied to the coat to keep it moisturized.
- Claw clipping: While some dog owners may choose to have a professional groomer clip their dog’s nails, this task can be learned and performed by the owner. If a dog regularly walks on concrete, their nails may not require clipping as the rough surface naturally files them down. Fur between the paw pads should be kept short to prevent slips, and debris should be removed for healthier paws. Dogs typically require claw trimming every two weeks, and it is important not to cut beyond the hook or the quick, the sensitive region in the center of the nail that contains blood vessels. You can choose to use dog guillotine type clippers, a rotary filing tool (dremel) to shorten down the claws to your preferred length. Clippers should be sharp, and after clipping, the rough edges can be smoothed with a file. Checking the paw pads for cracks or signs of infection is also important. Proper nail care helps with a dog’s gait and spinal alignment, and too-long nails can cause injury to the dog.
- Trimming: The Pomskies coat should never be clipped, for clipping changes the color of the coat. But there is a need for some trimming of stragly hair to keep the coat neat. The tail should be scissored for a neat look, but do not trim too closely so that it looks clipped and bare. Trim the hai around the anus, around and between the pawpads. The major trimming job is the ears. Trim the inside edge of the ear hair to a quarter inch length and the outside to one half inch using trimming shears
- Bathing: Due to the natural cleanliness of the Pomsky as well as the fastidious nature of the breed, treat bathing your dog as a option to be considered a couple of times a year- once every 2 months should be sufficient. Overbathing your dog will strip the coat of essential oils and cause the skin to dry out. Select a shampoo made for dogs and rinse it completely from the coat. Keep shampoo out of his eyes, ears an nose and dry the dog thoroughly to leave the coat fluffy as ever. make sure to brush the coat before bathing and use tepid water. Bathing can be done outside on a grooming table. If you choose to bathe him inside, place a nonskid mat in the tub and a strainer over the drain to catch hair. After bathing, brush through and spritz conditioning spray on the coat to restore its sheen.
- Eye care- eye health is critical to the dog’s ability to function. Bring any concerns that you may have regarding your dog’s eyes or vision to the attention of your vet quickly. For example, if you notice an overabundance of matter or a red color around his eys, take action. During a grooming session, check the eyes for the presence of hairs, foreign objects, and discharge that can accumulate in their inside corners. To remove any brown stains from underneath your dog’s eyes gently wipe them with a cotton ball moistened with warm water. For stubborn stains, purchase an eye stain remover made especially for dogs, and use a few drops on your cotton ball. If your dog;s eyes are eed, swollen, or contain discharge, consult your vet.. It is best ot to tamper with your dog’s eyes. Pomeranian Husky mixes have faces that easily trap tear stains and debris. To keep the face clean and healthy, wipe the tear stains using eye wipes daily. These eye wipes will also help to clean any food debris or any other stains that may be on the face.
- Ear care- The Pomeranian Husky’s upright ears allow sunlight and air to circulate in the ear, helping to keep it clean and free of infections and parasites. Regularly check your Siberian Husky Pomeranian mix ears for signs of ear problems such as excessive wax buildup, tarry discharge, ulcers, redness, and strong odor. To clean your dog’s ears, moisten a cotton ball with an acidic ear cleanser that does not contain alcohol, use green tea brewed and cooled, or a few drops of white vinegar dissolved in water. Gently insert the cotton ball into the top of the ear canal opening and scoop upward. Do not push any object past the entry of your dog’s ear canal. Wipe away any excess with a dry cotton ball. If your dog has dirty ears, quickly squeeze some of the cleaning solution into the ear and massage it in, then wipe away any debris with a cotton ball. Avoid using cotton swabs, powders, or hydrogen peroxide. Trim fur around the ears for better air circulation. Ears should be checked for mites and other problems regularly. Sometimes medicine will be required to solve the problem.
- Dental care- To maintain your dog’s oral health, you need to clean his teeth daily and regularly check for any signs of oral health problems, such as broken or cracked teeth, tenderness, pain, or unwillingness to eat or play. Plaque buildup on your dog’s teeth can cause bacterial growth, which can lead to irritation and infection in the dog’s mouth. This can also cause various health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory ailments. Thus, daily cleaning of your dog’s teeth is crucial to reduce the incidence of dental disease. Introduce tooth care to your dog gradually, gently, and as early in life as possible. You can start by rubbing your finger over your puppy’s teeth and gums, then gradually move to using a soft-bristled toothbrush made for dogs or a soft toothbrush made for children. Also, remember to use toothpaste made for dogs as human toothpaste can be irritating to your dog’s stomach. Concentrate your cleaning on the point where the tooth meets the gum, and pay special attention to the outside of the upper teeth where most tartar accumulates. Desensitizing your puppy and gradually working your way around his mouth is the first step to overcoming his resistance to teeth cleaning. The cheaper bones are makde from recycled or re-ground nylon scraps, and have a tendency to break apart and plit easily. Nothing, however, substitutes for periodic professional attention for your Pomeranian’s teeth and gums, not any more than your toothbrush can do that for you. have you’re Pomeranian’s teeth cleaned at least once a year by your vet (twice a year is better) and he will be happier, healthier and far more pleasant to love with. A home dental care regimen should be initiated at 6 months including weekly brushing and providing good dental devices (such as nylon bones). Regular dental care promoted healthy teeth, fresh breath and a longer life.
- Senstive care: Although in most cases glands will express themselves, you should express them once a month in case they fail to do so. You can express a Pomskies glands by pushing them from the bottom as if scooping them from the body 2 to 3 times to clear the secretions. The glands will need to be expressed in a bathtub as the secretions may sput out and are smelly. Anal sacs, sometimes called anal galnds, are located in the musculature of the anal ring, one on either side. Each empties into the rectum via a small duct. Occasionally their secretion becomes thickened and accumulates so you can readily feel these structures from the outside. if your Pomeranin is soccting across the floor dragging his rear quarters, or licking his rear, his anal sacs may need to be expressed. Placing pressure in and up toward the anus, while holding the tail, is the general routine. Anal sac secrections are characteristically foul smelling, and you could get squirted if not careful. Vets ca take care of this during regular visits and demonstrate the cleanest method. Signs that the anal glands need to be emptied include a dog dragging its rear end along the ground or repeatedly licking the area. Anal glands can be evacuated by gently pressing on either side of the anal opening and using cotton or a tissue to collect the material. If left unemptied, anal glands can become impacted, leading to abscesses and pain.
Rewarding your Husky Pomeranina mix for behaving during grooming is the best way to ensure stress-free grooming throughout his lifetime. Bathing energizes your pet, and using the time immediately after grooming as play time is the best way to reward your husky for a job well done.
Exercise requirements
The Pomsky is a dog with a strong sled dog heritage and a natural desire to work. This fuels their intense longing to run, and once they are allowed to run freely, they can keep going for hours without slowing down. Watching your Husky mix run under controlled conditions can be a delightful sight.
To build a strong relationship with your Pomsky, it’s important to involve them in activities they enjoy. If they become bored, they can quickly become troublesome and develop behavioral problems such as chewing or barking. To prevent this, it’s important to provide regular daily exercise, interactive play that stimulates both their mind and body, and activities like sledding or skijoring once basic training techniques are mastered.
It’s important to structure your Pomsky’s play to direct their energy into appropriate channels and reward good behaviors. When walking your Pomsky, always use a leash attached to a harness rather than a collar to avoid exerting too much pressure on their neck.
The Pomsky’s strong desire to run is a trait common to the Northern breeds, and it’s important to give them something to do to prevent behavioral problems. Regular exercise will also help keep them at a healthy weight and allow you to bond with your furry friend.
A tired Pomsky is a well behaved Pomsky. Many behavior problems can be avoided by providing him with enough exercise.
Number of walks | 2 (15 minutes each) |
Exercise needs | 30 to 45 minutes |
Now let’s talk about feeding your Pomsky. You can feed a Pom Husky economically and keep him in perfect shape year round or you can feed him expensively, he will thrive either way.
Feeding your Pomeranian Husky is both an art and a science, and requires thought and energy to create a program that meets your dog’s needs. Even smart owners who want to feed their huskies the best often cannot do so because it can be so confusing.
Your dog’s behavior towards specific foods, health, coat condition, stool, and eating speed are all indicators of how well the feeding program is working. It’s important to stay up-to-date on research and reliable sources of information to ensure that your dog’s diet is healthy and balanced.
To ensure a healthy and enjoyable mealtime experience for your dog, it’s important to teach good mealtime manners and maintain portion control. From the beginning, train your dog to wait patiently for meals and allow you to access their food bowl. Avoid feeding your dog from places like the table, your favorite chair, or the kitchen worktop where they might expect a handout. If you’ve already started any inappropriate feeding practices, be strong and stop them.
Believe it or not, during your husky’s lifetime, you will buy a few thousand pounds of dog food.
Nutrition is determined by your pets size, metabolism, age, allergies and energy levels.
Stages of life
When selecting your dog’s diet, 3 stages of development must be considered: the puppy, adult, and senior.
the importance of feeding a growing puppy a diet that is high in protein and moderate in fat. Puppy foods typically contain around 25-28% protein and 12-18% fat. It is recommended to feed the puppy food provided by the breeder to gradually acclimate the puppy to its new environment and food. Puppies should be fed 3-4 times a day until they finish teething, which is typically around 6-8 months old. The number of meals per day should be reduced as the puppy grows, with most puppies being able to move to an adult schedule of two meals a day by the time they are 6 months old. It is important to maintain a healthy weight for the puppy, as an overweight puppy can develop structural problems due to the stress on growing bones.
Adult dog food formulas contain varying amounts of protein and fat, with protein levels ranging from 20 to 30% and fat levels ranging from 6 to 20%. It is not recommended to feed dogs very low-fat and low-protein diets unless advised by a vet. It is suggested to feed adult dogs twice a day with commercial food or homemade diets to ensure they are satisfied and avoid food-related anxiety. Owners should rely on their vet or a dietary specialist to recommend a suitable maintenance diet for their adult dog. It is also advised not to leave food out all day for free-choice feeding, as this can lead to weight gain in dogs.
Small and highly active dogs may continue to eat a performance diet until they reach 10 years of age, while older, less active dogs require a nutrient-rich diet with fewer calories, protein, and fat. Commercial senior dog diets are typically interchangeable with weight loss formulas for adult dogs, as they provide fewer calories and less protein and fat. However, if an older dog remains very active, a senior diet may not provide the necessary nutrition to maintain peak condition. As dogs age, their metabolism changes, and they become more prone to obesity. There is no single best diet for older dogs, and that owners should rely on the advice of their vet or dietary specialist to recommend an acceptable maintenance diet.
Choosing a diet
A good diet should be high on proteins especially meat proteins. It should also be rich in fatty acids, mineral salts, and vitamins for proper development. Fats are essential as they provide the dog with the energy to keep him running and cuddling all day. A good source of vitamins is fruits and vegetables.
Dogs, including Pomskies, need proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals for optimal health. Protein is crucial for growth and repair, and is especially important for puppies. Carbohydrates provide energy and are available in sugars, starches, and fiber, with starches being preferred. Fats provide energy, maintain skin and coat health, and play a role in hormone production and vitamin transport, but can lead to health problems if overindulged. Vitamins and minerals are essential for proper function of muscles, nerves, bones, and metabolism, and calcium, phosphorus, and Vitamin D are important for Husky puppies. Water is also essential for hydration and normal bodily function, so keep your dog’s water bowl clean and change the water often.
If your Pom Husky demonstrates a marked preference for certain foods, chances are that he needs those foods for a balanced diet or that those foods naturally agree with his digestive chemistry. Honor his needs and modify your feeding plan accordingly
To ensure that you’re feeding your dog properly, start by checking the label on the package or can. Look for the terms “complete and balanced,” which means the food meets the AAFCO’s nutritional requirements for either adult maintenance or growth and reproduction in puppies and pregnant/lactating females. The label must specify the intended group. The nutritional analysis includes a list of minimum protein, minimum fat, maximum fiber, and maximum moisture. To learn about digestibility, contact the manufacturer. Most commercial puppy foods exceed the minimum requirements for protein and fat, and protein levels in dry puppy foods usually range from about 26 to 30%. Finally, check the ingredients, which are listed in descending order by weight, and remember that balanced dog foods include animal and plant ingredients.
Choose a well-known brand of dog food and carefully read the analysis on the package. Ensure the protein level is at least 25% and from animal and vegetable sources like meat, fish, liver, dried milk products, alfalfa, and soybeans. Check vitamin content, especially vitamins A and D, and B-complex levels, but don’t worry about carbohydrates and minerals. Avoid meat or poultry by-products, non-species-specific protein or fat sources, artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, or chemical preservatives. Look for whole grains and vegetables, avoid soy, and check for stock used instead of water in the formula. Check the product date codes.
If you are feeding a puppy food that is complete and balanced, your young Pomsky does not need any dietary supplements such as vitamins, minerals, or other types of food. In fact, dietary supplements could even harm your puppy by unbalancing her diet. The commercial dog food market offers a range of choices, and owners can also use dietary supplements like multivitamins and minerals that address specific issues. However, owners should choose supplements carefully and consult with their canine health care team to avoid over-supplementing their dogs. For a healthy dog, it is best to keep supplementation simple and conservative in dosage amounts. Digestive enzyme products made specifically for dogs are highly recommended, as they are essential for proper digestion and nutrient absorption. A balanced mix of appropriate enzymes can make a significant difference in a dog’s overall health.
foods that are dangerous or even deadly for dogs, including avocado, chocolate, raw eggs, garlic, grapes, macadamia nuts, raw meat, milk, onions, raisins, and yeast bread dough. These foods can cause digestive upset, toxic reactions, and other health problems in dogs.
It is important to make sure that your dog has access to clean water because long-term exposure to chlorine and other chemicals in tap water can be harmful to dogs. Water plays an important role in purifying, detoxifying, and lubricating the body, and it needs to be free from toxins and impurities to effectively carry out these functions.
Always consult with a vet, a holistic vet practitioner, or a vet nutritionist about your Siberian’s diet, especially when feeding a performance dog, a highly stressed dog, a sick dog, or a pregnant dog
having chosen a good food, feed it as the manufacturer directs. Choose the right diet and feed it to him day after day, year after year. if you are feeding you Pomsku a correct diet, no supplements are necessary unless he has been improperly fed, is sick or having puppies. Your dog’s diet is not the place to economize. Purchase the best food you can afford. Consult your vet when selecting your dog’s diet.
Food types
Commercial diets: Each dog food is created with a unique formula of ingredients and supplements. Variety within the same product category (dry, tinned, frozen) offers significant benefits for your dog such as exposing him to a variety of formulas that will over time, offer him a more complete array of nutritional elements, prevent food allergies, and improve digestive capabilities. Remember to introduce the new food gradually to encourage the dog to adjust to the new food without causing digestive upset. Switch dog foods only every 2 to 4 months.
Dry food- Dry dog food, also called kibble, was initially created for convenience, but for many dogs, it has become their sole diet. This is the most commonly used type of dog food, made by combining and cooking ingredients such as meat and grains, then baking them or forcing them through an extruder under high pressure to create noodle-like shapes. These shapes are then cut into various sizes, dried, coated with additional ingredients like vitamins, minerals, oils, and nutraceuticals, such as probiotics to aid digestion and glucosamine to support joint health. Premium dry food usually contains meat or meat meal as the primary ingredient. Foods with meat listed first are good choices because most dogs require high-quality meat protein in their diets. If you’re feeding dry food to your Pomsky, put it in his bowl and add 1.5 to 2 cups of tepid water or broth to make it more palatable and break down the food. You can also supplement the diet with ground beef or cottage cheese to make it tastier. Dry food is useful for cost-conscious owners because it tends to be less expensive than the others. These foods also contain the least aft and the most preservatives. Dry food is bulky and takes longer to eat than other foods, so it is more filling.
Tinned food- Tinned dog food is more nutritious than dry dog food as it contains up to 95% meat, which is an important source of protein. The canning process has no negative effect on the nutritional value of the food. Tinned dog food also contains about 75 to 80% moisture which helps the manufacturing process. Manufacturers use fewer artificial means of enhancing palatability in tinned dog food, as the source ingredients are already desirable and digestible for dogs. Look for whole meats and fish, whole grains, and vegetables in the ingredients list, and choose tinned foods that use meat, poultry, or fish stock instead of water. Tinned dog food should be refrigerated once opened and consumed within a day or two.
Semi-moist dog food is a type of food that comes in pre-packaged serving size pouches and has a gravy-like substance added to it. However, the convenience factor is the only positive attribute of this type of food, which is generally made with low-quality protein sources such as meat by-products or meat meal. It also contains artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, along with added sweeteners, which provide no nutritional value
Prepared meal bases are a new type of commercial dog food that require fresh meat to be added by the owner. They are convenient for owners who want to prepare a complete and balanced diet for their dogs using fresh ingredients without making entirely homemade dog food. Meal bases are made of dehydrated grains and vegetables, and owners rehydrate them with water before adding fresh meat. The high cost of meal bases reflects their convenience and quality ingredients, including herbs, nutritional supplements, and added vitamins and minerals. Some meal bases also require the addition of oil supplements, such as flaxseed oil.
Today’s dog owners have come to appreciate the value of feeding the most natural, high-quality diet possible to their dogs. they reap the rewards of owning dogs who live long, healthy athletic lives. Many owners have embraced the minimally processed, frozen raw diets (BARF diet) available on the market or have taken on the task of preparing a homemade diet for their dogs using fresh, natural ingredients. Recipes for homemade dog food fill the pages of many books about canine nutrition. Homemade diet recipes exist for the dog owner willing to take the plunge and make a commitment to preparing a homemade.
When giving treats to your Pomeranian Husky mix, avoid those with additives and chemicals that can undermine their healthy feeding regimen. Trainers suggest using high-value, whole food treats with natural sweeteners like honey and molasses. Read labels and avoid treats with artificial preservatives, colors, and propylene glycol. Homemade treats can be made with ingredients like garlic, tuna, and applesauce. Feed your dog small treats, and adjust their meal volume during intense training to account for increased treat intake. Dogs enjoy treats and table food, but overfeeding can lead to weight problems. It is recommended that treats and table food should not account for more than 10% of a dog’s daily caloric intake. When giving treats, it is important to include the treat calories when calculating the dog’s daily food requirement to prevent the dog from becoming overweight. When shopping for packaged treats, it is recommended to look for ones that provide complete nutrition and choose crunchy ones for dental health.
Properly storing your dog’s food is crucial to maintaining its quality and nutrient content. Refrigerate fresh dog food and opened canned food, and store dry food in its original bag in a tightly sealed container in a cool, dry, and vermin-free place. Metal containers can affect the taste of food, and non-food-grade plastic containers can leach out vitamins. To check if the plastic is food-grade, put tomato sauce or pureed fresh carrots in the container, and if it leaves a residue, it’s not food-grade. Discard puffy or leaking canned food, and cover and refrigerate leftovers, which should be used within 24 hours.
Daily amount
When it comes to feeding your dog, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you have some flexibility in how often you feed your dog. You can choose to give two meals per day, or you can opt for a single meal that provides the same amount of food. Whatever you choose, be consistent with your feeding schedule so your dog knows what to expect.
Next, you’ll want to pay attention to how much food you give your dog. The amount of food your dog needs can vary depending on several factors. For example, age, activity level, reproductive status, and size can all affect your dog’s nutritional requirements. You can start by following the directions on the food package, but be prepared to adjust the amount as needed. You should also monitor your dog’s weight and condition to ensure you’re providing the right amount of food. If your dog is losing weight, increase the amount of food by 10 to 20%, and if your dog is gaining weight, decrease the amount.
When it comes to younger Pomsky puppies, they will require more food as they grow. This is because their metabolism is faster than that of older dogs. As a general guide, you can use your Pomsky’s weight to estimate the number of calories they need. Multiply your dog’s weight in pounds by 30 to get an idea of how many calories they require each day.
Training & Socialization
You owe proper training to your Pomsky- the right and privilege of being trained is his birthright. Basic obedience, such as coming when called, sitting, walking at heel, and being mannerly around other dogs and people, should be taught to all Pomskies. It is recommended to teach them five basic commands: Sit, down, stay, come, and heel. The training experience should be rewarding for both the dog and the owner as Pomskies are intelligent and eager to learn. However, they can be stubborn, so firm leadership is essential. If not trained properly, Pomskies may display unwanted behaviors, such as jumping, barking, chasing, and chewing. It is important to create a lifestyle pattern for the puppy that aligns with that of the human pack, such as when to play, eat, sleep, exercise, and entertain themselves. The goal of training is to have a well-trained Pomsky that is a joy to own and watch.
- Positive reinforcement: Modern dog training is about positive reinforcement, rewarding good behavior, and ignoring the bad. This approach relies on teaching dogs that timely and desirable rewards come from behaviors that should be repeated. Positive reinforcement means catching your dog doing the right thing and rewarding them for it. Gentle motivation is more effective than harsh training methods, and dogs respond well to positive reinforcement at any age. Keep training sessions brief, and avoid practicing when you’re tired, ill, worried, or in a negative mood. To prevent overfeeding, use small treats, and avoid excessive repetition, which can bore your dog.
- Housetraining: To successfully house train your Pomsky, you need to carefully manage and supervise the process. Choose a suitable location for your puppy to relieve himself, whether indoors or outdoors, and consistently use the same cue to signal that it is time to go. If your puppy has an accident, clean it up with an enzymatic cleaner. Never punish your puppy for accidents, but instead gently interrupt him and lead him to the approved spot to finish and then praise him. Take your puppy out frequently, especially after meals, playtime, and sleeping, and keep potty trips short. Reward your puppy with a high-value treat immediately after he goes in the proper location to reinforce the good behavior. Consistency, frequency, praise, control, and supervision are key to successfully house training your Pomsky.
- Addressing behavior problems: For digging, owners can create a designated area where the dog is allowed to dig and redirect them to that area if they start digging elsewhere. To prevent chewing on inappropriate items, owners can offer chew toys or durable nylon bones. Pomskies may vocalize through moaning and whining rather than barking, so owners should teach them when it’s appropriate to be quiet. The breed also has a strong prey drive, which can lead to chasing small animals. Finally, Pomskies have a tendency to wander, so it’s important to keep them confined or under control for their own safety.
- Marker and clicker training: Clicker training is a precise way to mark a desired behavior so an animal knows exactly what behavior earned the reward. Using a clicker, you change the clicker by clicking and giving your Siberian Husky a treat several times, until he understand that the click means a treat is forthcoming. The click then becomes a secondary reinforcer. It is not the reward itself, but it will become so closely linked in your dog’s mind with a reward that is has the same effect.
- Socialization: Socializing your pup gives you the opportunity to show her off plus you get the benefit of it being an admirable little creature that people appreciate and gush over. Once he has had his full vaccinations, expose the puppy to different people people, animals and situations to help him become a well adjusted puppy. Walk around the neighborhood, take him on errands and let him meet other animals. Postive experiences are the key to building confidence. It is up to you to make sure he safely discovers the world. Lack of socialization can manifest itself as fear and aggression.
- Professional training: If you can afford the extra expense, you may send your Pomsky to a professional trainer, where in 30 to 60 days he will learn how to be a good dog. Using a pro trainer means that you will have to go for some training too. You will learn how your dog works, what to expect of him and how to apply what the dog has learned. Another way to train your mix is to join an obedience training club in your own community where you will be working with other dog owners just like you. You will actually be training your dog under the direction of a head trainer who will tell you how to correct errors. The third method of training is by the book. Select a book, but it, study it until the procedures are almost second nature to you then start training. After your Pom mix is letter perfect under all conditions, if you wish go on to advanced training and trick work.
- Selecting a Vet: Choosing the right vet is crucial for the health and wellbeing of your Pomsky. Look for a knowledgeable and compassionate licensed vet who can handle routine medical issues and promote good health. You can discuss cost matters with your vet, as procedures can be expensive. Regular vet visits can help prevent minor problems from becoming major and catch issues early. It’s recommended to make an appointment for an overall examination and to set up a vaccination schedule within a couple of days of bringing home your puppy. Choose a vet based on personal recommendations, their experience with Pomeranian or Husky mixes, and proximity to your home for convenience in emergencies and multiple treatments. If you have mobility issues, consider a vet who offers house calls or pet transport.
- Vaccination: For continued health, owners mush attend to vaccination regularly. Your vet can recommend a vaccination schedule appropriate for your dog, risk of exposure, climate and geography. The basic vaccination protects your dog from: parvovirus, distempter, hepatitis, leptospirosis, adenovirus, parainfluenza, canine coronavirus, bordetella, kennel cough, lyme disease and rabies. Both you and your vet should keep a record of the vaccination data. Most vaccination programs require a booster when the puppy is a year old and once a year there after. Your vet will recommend your pup be fully vaccination before you take on outings.
- Parasite Control: Parasites both internal and external have infested our pets for centuries. A full range of external pest (fleas, ticks, mites) control and elimination products are available at pet shops and your vet certainly has some recommendations. As for internal parasites, worms are potentially dangerous for dogs and people. Roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms, whipworms and heartworms comprise the party of troublemakers. Deworming puppies begins at around 2 to 3 weeks and continue until 3 months of age. Vet preparation and medication help regulate most worms. Discuss the worming procedures with your vet. if not controlled, worms weaken the host dog to the point that other medical problems occur.
- Spaying and Neutering: Unless you intent to breed your dog, neutering or spaying at 6 months of age is recommended. Spaying and neutering have been proven to be beneficial to male and female puppies as it eliminate the possibility of pregnancy, inhibits breast cancer in females and prostrate cancer in male dogs.
- Health monitoring: We know our pets, their moods and habits, and therefore we can recognize when our Pomeranian Husky mix is experiencing an off-day. Signs of sickness can be very obvious or very subtle. It is important to known your Pomky’s moods and habits so you can recognize when he is not feeling well. Keeping your dog healthy is a matter of keen observation to recognize signs of trouble before they blossom into full blown emergencies. Take your dog to the vet for prolonged coughing, labored breathing, runny eyes, bloody stool, frequent sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea and so on.
- First Aid: Have a first aid kit for your pet and know how to use it. Basic first aid includes patching up small injuries, giving artificial breathing, and doing CPR. It’s also important to stop bleeding, clean wounds, and prevent infections. Basic first aid is not a substitute for professional care, but it can save a pet’s life.
- Health conditions: This mix hasn’t yet been studied enough to be able to say what health issues they may have as it is relatively new breed. This does not mean that he is immune to genetic and other health problems. Some puppies have problems with their kneecaps, cataracts, tear duct abnormalities and other eye problems, heart murmurs and undescended testicles.
- Life expectancy: The Pomsky is one of the healthiest dogs with a life expectancy of 12 to 14 years some can live for as many as 18 years. Most Pomskies live to a ripe old age with proper care, nutrition and plenty of exercise.
Final take
The Pomeranian Husky mix is an ideal pet for many potential owners due to its stately beauty, good humor, and work ethic. However, it is essential to carefully consider the pros and cons of owning this breed and how it fits into your family and lifestyle. If you believe that the Pomsky is the right choice for you, congratulations on your commitment to owning this challenging but rewarding breed. To ensure a smooth transition for your new dog, it’s crucial to invest time and energy in preparing your family and home before welcoming a Siberian Husky into your life. With their love for spending time with their owners and need for daily exercise and training, the Pomsky can thrive in apartments and make a great addition to any family.
Have you fallen in love with this dog yet? Tell us in the comment section below.
There you go, WOOF!!!