Corgi Barking a lot! (Why & Training guide)

Do Corgis bark? Yes, Corgis bark just like most dogs. However, the question any Corgi lover should be asking is if Corgis bark a lot. Corgis were bred to be herding dogs and this heritage makes them vocal dogs and has a loud and deep bark. 

However, the amount of barking will depend on the individual Corgi, how he has been brought up, whether he is trained or not, and the amount of socialization.

Several things can make your Corgi an excessive barker. More on than later in this guide.

You cannot completely stop your Corgi from barking as this is their instinct and way of expression.

The good news is that you can reduce or control your adorable Corgi from excessive barking. We are going to look at some of these measures and training that you can give your four-legged friend to help you manage the barking.

You may also be interested in the African Barkless dog also known as the Basenji. 

So, let us get right into it.


How often do Corgis Bark?

Corgis are sensational dogs that have become synonymous with internet video and cute photos. 

Their association with royalty and big personalities have been some of the biggest influences in making this breed one of the most popular dog breeds after the like of dogs such as Labradors and German Shepherds.

They may be small but their big personality sets them apart from other dogs but one of these dog’s traits is that he is a known barker.

Corgis can bark at fast-moving objects, strangers, and even other pets, especially when they are not well trained and socialized. They are also known to bark excessively when they are left alone for long periods or when they are bored.

These dogs can notice sudden noises and changes that prompt them to bark.

Being a historical heading dog, a Corgi could alert his owner when something was not going right which helped the animal owners to stay vigilant.

This is just who he is and all you can do about it is manage it.

You can also learn about why your dog may be sneezing when he plays.

Why do Corgis bark?

1. Attention

Today Corgis are mainly used as human companions and family dogs and they are perfect at these.

They also thrive on human affection and attention.

If the pooch thinks that he is not getting enough of your attention he will bark to alert you that he is there. This can also be a sign that he wants you to pet him, take him to the dog park, or even play with him.

2. Lack of enough exercise

Failure to make sure that your Corgi gets enough mental and physical stimulation can also be a reason for excessive barking.

He will need you to meet his daily exercise quota, stimulate his mind with some games such as puzzles and give him something to keep him busy.

Ensure that your Cardigan or Welsh Corgi burns most of his energy. This will prevent him from getting bored and boredom is a reason why most dogs bark excessively.

3. Excitement

This is common in pups and younger dogs.

Excitement can be brought about when a Corgi is happy or when he is stressed.

You must catch your doggie when he about to bark due to excitement and give him something to keep him busy such as a chew toy. Most importantly, distract your Corgi before he barks due to excitement.

Excitement barking can also be caused by chronic stress.

This can happen if the dog is left alone for long or long periods of crate confinement. Make sure your Corgi is not locked in his crate for more than an hour if he is not sleeping.

4. Communication

You Corgi may try to communicate to you through barking when he is bored, hungry, or if he not feeling okay.

Expressive barking should not be ignored, especially it the dog is showing any signs of discomfort.

You should check why your dog may be barking before doing anything else as he may be trying to communicate to you.

The Corgi may also whine, grunt, and grumble as tries to talk to you, so, listen and don’t ignore whatever the reason is.

Interesting read- Can a dog smile?

Train your Corgi to stop barking

How to stop your Corgi from barking

No matter what you do your Corgi will always be vocal and you cannot stop it. The only thing you can do is manage the amount of barking or reduce excessive barking.

Here some of the ways you can reduce excessive barking.

1. Train your Corgi to stop barking

Training your Corgi to stop barking a lot will not be a walk in the park. It will require you to be very consistent and to exercise patience.

Barking on command

Before you begin to train your pooch how to stop barking excessively, you will need to first train him to bark on command.

At first, this may seem counterproductive but it will enable you to be in control of how much he barks.

In turn, it will reduce his urge to bark when you have not commanded him to do so.

You will need to find a way to make your Corgi bark. This may mean knocking or ringing the doorbell.

If you get your four-legged friend to bark, you can then proceed to reward or praise him for barking. Repeat this with whatever triggers your Corgi to bark.

You can now introduce the “bark” command every time you ring the bell and praise and reward him every time he barks on the command. Repeat this several times.

After you are done with the above stage, you can then proceed to say the “bark” command but this time do not use a barking trigger. Praise and reward the Corgi if he responds.

Put this into practice for different scenarios, environments, and use different triggers until he gets to bark on command every time.

Train the “Quiet” command

Now that your Corgi can bark on command, you will need to train him the opposite by teaching him to stop barking on command.

You will first need to get the dog to bark on command, give him treat and as he munches on the treat say the “quiet” command. Do this in a clear and firm voice but do not shout.

After he is done with the treat, hold his muzzle say the “quiet” command to reinforce being quiet. Reward him if he stays quiet and repeat this several times.

You can then proceed to alternate between the “bark” and “quiet” command. Make him bark on command, hold his muzzle, and then ask him to be quiet without introducing a treat in between.

If he stops barking reward him. Increase the period you hold his muzzle and if he stays quiet during this period praise and reward him. Let the Corgi know that this is a big deal.

You can then proceed to do repetitions interrupting him every time he barks and rewarding him every time he stops barking in command.

Do Corgis bark

2. Mental and Physical Stimulation

As we had mentioned earlier lack enough exercise may be the reason your Corgi is barking a lot.

About 45 minutes of daily exercise can help your dog burn out most of his energy which in turn, reduces barking.

You can take your dog for a walk, play fetch, and other interactive toys to meet his exercise quota.

Interactive games such as puzzles, obedience training, and toys also stimulate your Corgi’s mind and prevent him from getting bored.

If you eliminate boredom, he is less likely to bark.

3. Distraction

When your Corgi is about to bark or when he is barking at moving objects, strangers, other dogs, or even knock at the door you should look for something to distract him.

You can distract him using a toy, a treat, or a doggie puzzle.

Sometimes it is also important to ignore him completely. These dogs love attention and if he realizes that barking takes that from him and that he will be left out.

If he stops barking after you have ignored him, you can proceed to reward him. He will quickly realize that barking is not rewarded but silence is.


Barking is part of Corgi’s nature but there a few things you can do to control it as mentioned above.

However, if you want to correct excessive barking there are things you should not do such as;

  • Shouting at the dog.
  • Showing any signs of aggression towards the dog.
  • Punishing the canine for barking.
  • Indirectly rewarding the Corgi for barking.
  • Leaving the dog unattended.

If you understand these things you can embark on managing the amount of barking but if it gets out of control, you can also seek advice from a professional dog trainer.

We hope you found this guide helpful.

You can share your feedback and questions in the comment section below. 

There your go, WOOF!